Let me know in the comments if the "side issues" title of this post is not clear after reading the last two parts below.
Diagnosing: Severity and other
Severity: For each of the two symptom areas there
are descriptive guides in the DSM for rating the level of current severity based on the impact on functioning (not
based on number of symptoms; this is the DSM-5 move toward a dimensional,
rather than categorical, diagnosis) and whether the person requires some
support (Level 1), substantial support (Level 2) or VERY substantial support (Severity:
Level 3).
Do severity ratings create the spectrum? No.
“Spectrum” does not mean “varying
in only one dimension (severity)” This means that the severity rating does NOT simply
place you on a scale from “high functioning” or “Aspergers” to “Autistic
Disorder.” People on this spectrum may have fewer RRB symptoms, or more, and
differ also in the specifiers below:
Specify: With or
Without accompanying Intellectual Impairment, separating intellectual
disability completely from autism, as coexisting rather than coextensive
conditions. Still, some people mistakingly think that social impairments are
merely a function of intellectual disability.
Specify: With or
Without accompanying language Impairment, again making this symptom another
dimension on which people can vary, independent of how they vary in severity of
autistic symptoms or severity of intellectual impairment.
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